The Constant Gardener

Rob Salter
2 min readApr 11, 2021

This week I read ‘Loving What Is’ by Byron Katie. It’s an amazingly powerful book and it’s clear that if you do ‘The Work’ as she outlines it and carry out a structured inquiry into your thinking, you will find truth.

As I read on, I heard CBT, I heard Syd Banks, I heard Eckhart Tolle, I heard David Hawkins and the Buddha.

But I live in an advanced capitalist society where we commoditise knowledge and talk about intellectual property and I follow my guru and not yours.

Yet if you speak French and I speak German, neither of us believes that we are right and the other is wrong.

So I instinctively recognised that you simply cannot commoditise truth. Different teachers across time stumble upon it and express in ‘their’ language.

The truth. – that we are one and that we are love – is true in any language.

I love the language of the gardener. These teachers, these gardeners have been sent to help us uproot the mental ‘weeds’ in our garden. Our fears, doubts and misunderstandings.

Today I am ‘watering my plants’.

When I meditate, when I visualise I hear Michael Singer, I hear Joe Dispenza and Ram Dass: all teaching me to plant and build the person I am becoming.

The truth is true in any language and so I tend my garden and watch it grow.

Have a great week



Rob Salter

Transformational Coach For questions, comments or follow up on any story, please feel free to email